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Author Topic: Children's Ministry  (Read 4462 times)

Offline dimplesdomain

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Children's Ministry
« on: July 26, 2006, 08:26:48 AM »
Hello Everyone,
        I am the leader of the children's ministry which are the ages 5-10. One of the activities we have is the Angel's choir.  Young children truly want to participate in singing praises to God but are unable to learn the songs that are out today. I have a group of young children that I have been working with for the past year and truly it has been a blessing to see growth and maturity: not only physically but as well spiritually. Are there any suggestions to what songs may be helpful for them to learn and how to get them to be  more involved??
Thank you and God Bless.

Offline ferrente

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Re: Children's Ministry
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2006, 09:38:59 AM »
Welcome to LGM  dimplesdomain 
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Re: Children's Ministry
« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2006, 09:41:05 AM »
This Little Light Of Mine
Shake The Devil Off
Jesus Loves The Little Children
Yes Jesus Loves Me
Jesus Is The Answer
He Got The Whole World In His Hands
Trust in the Lord and do good so shalt thou dwell in the land and verily thou shalt be fed.

Offline nessalynn77

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Re: Children's Ministry
« Reply #3 on: July 26, 2006, 01:34:17 PM »

I work with the Sunshine Band in our church, as well, and I'm always on the lookout for some new songs.

One that I remember us doing is "I love you Jesus, Deep down in my heart" and "Higher, Higher" (lift Jesus higher)

I've written a few based on the occasion for our kids, as long as they have activities and easy to remember words, the kids usually enjoy them.

Offline vtguy84

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Re: Children's Ministry
« Reply #4 on: July 26, 2006, 02:33:19 PM »
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Re: Children's Ministry
« Reply #5 on: July 26, 2006, 06:20:48 PM »
Hello Everyone,
        I am the leader of the children's ministry which are the ages 5-10. One of the activities we have is the Angel's choir.  Young children truly want to participate in singing praises to God but are unable to learn the songs that are out today. I have a group of young children that I have been working with for the past year and truly it has been a blessing to see growth and maturity: not only physically but as well spiritually. Are there any suggestions to what songs may be helpful for them to learn and how to get them to be  more involved??
Thank you and God Bless.

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Offline Long Fingers

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Re: Children's Ministry
« Reply #6 on: July 27, 2006, 06:22:39 AM »
I repost this all the time for those looking for youth and especially youth choir songs to minister because I know it's hard to find songs to teach that are over their heads in the message and that relate to their ages. So here it goes...

You could choose to do a hymn and add your own flavor to it by adding a contemporary sound to it and making your own arrangement of it that suits your choir

*~ "This Is The Day" (traditional)
~ "This Little Light Of Mine"
*~ "Thank You Lord" by Mississippi Children's Choir
*~ "Praise Him" (praise Him when the sun goes down)
~ "Oh How I Love Jesus"
*~ "Lift The Savior Up" (Olanda Draper/Joe Pace)
~ "Higher Higher" (lift Jesus higher)
~ Shake The Devil Off (Dorothy Norwood)
~ Jesus Is Mine (Florida Mass Choir)


The lyrics to many of these can be found at:

~ Black Gospel Lyrics Ministry


You can purchase sheet music to several children's / youth choir songs at





If you need songs for your children's choir, check out albums by these artists:

Mississippi Children's Choir
* "Children of The King"
* "A New Creation"
* "When All Of God's Children Get Together"

Youth For Christ
* "Higher"
* "Love Comes In All Colors"
* The Struggle Is Over

T.M. Mass Youth Choir
* "There's Not A Friend"
* "Send Your Annointing"
* "He's Been Good"

GMWA Youth Mass Choir
* "Win The World For Christ"
* "I Never Shall Forget"
* "Come Bless The Lord"
* "Lift The Savior Up"
* "Live From Philidelphia"
* "Live From New Orleans 2000"
* "New Orleans 2000" (a different album than the one listed above)
* " Live From Minneapolis"
* "The Best Of GMWA Youth Mass Choir Vol. 1"

(there are some songs that they also sing that are on recent GMWA albums...they've started combining all the songs that choirs sing onto one cd)

Walt Whitman & The Soul Children of Chicago
* "Live From The Opera House"
* "We Are One"
* "Live and Blessed"
* "This Is The Day"
* "Growing Up"
* "Generation X"
* "Reaching The Nations"

National Youth N Praise Mass Choir
* "National Youth N Praise Mass Choir"

Joshua's Troop
* "Joshua's Troop"
* "Project Youth"

Cathedral Children's Choir
* "Let The Children Sing Vol. 1"
* "Let The Children Sing Vol. 2"
* "Let The Children Sing Vol. 3"
(you can buy the cd and sheet music from ntimemusic.com )

CLC Youth Choir
* "Anchored To The Rock"
* "Whatever It Takes"
* "Live...In The Spirit"
* "I Dedicate Myself"

Danny Eason & The Abundant Youth Cathedral Crusade Choir
* New Beginning"

Arizona Youth Mass Choir
* "Eddie James Presents: Arizona Youth Mass Choir"

Mountain Movers Children / Youth Choir of Middle Georgia
* "Mountain Movers Children / Youth Choir of Middle Georgia"

Mt. Hattin Youth Ministry Choir
* "Consistent God"

Tyscot Gospel Kids Presents... (they have many albums, some with themes such as Worship, Fun Songs, Action Songs...perfect for a children's choir but not for a youth choir)

Shout Praises Kids Gospel
* "Shout Praises Kids Gospel Vol. 1"
* "Shout Praises Kids Gospel Vol. 2"

Here's a list of some online retailers that you can check to see if these albums are availabe for sell and also listen to clips from the albums listed above:

* http://www.Amazon.com
* http://www.Samgoody.com
* http://www.fye.com
* http://www.BN.com
* http://www.Walmart.com
* http://www.Bestbuy.com
* http://www.Circuitcity.com
* http://www.Bizrate.com

Offline mrs.smith

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Re: Children's Ministry
« Reply #7 on: July 28, 2006, 07:29:56 PM »
LongFingers, you just gave everybody the hook up!  Thanks! ;D  I am also involved with a youth choir, and like to add more depth the the songs.  I like to have someone assigned a matching Bible verse to each song and have it recited at some point during the song. ( it also makes a simple song last alittle longer)  My youth also like what I call "holla back" songs.  I will split up the choir or have the Praise team sing 1 part.  Then I have them sing the "holla" or the "repeat". This way the audience learns what they are supposed to do and can "holla "back which is a big morale booster for the kids to get the interaction with a crowd. Our choirs favorite one is "I don't know what you came to do" because it has actions.  Let me know if you would like the words since maybe everyone knows this one, ok?  It's a challenge to work with kids... God Bless!

Offline 1stgiftedchild

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Re: Children's Ministry
« Reply #8 on: July 29, 2006, 03:22:43 AM »
welcome to the famo dimplesdomain.

longfinger :o :o :o

you aint messin boi  ;D ;D ;D that 1 serious hook up.

Well I work with our youth group, but we got a kids group from 1-10, so i dont know too many but here a few.

Fishers of men
Hallelujah Jesus lives
God gave me a special book ...B I B L E (to the tune of BINGO)
Every move I make
We are marching in the light of GOD.
Who wants to be first... I do
I got a joy,joy,joy,joy down in my heart
prayer is the key.
God's Not Dead

try mother goose gospel and iWorship Kids

Offline Long Fingers

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Re: Children's Ministry
« Reply #9 on: July 31, 2006, 11:51:23 AM »
You're very welcome! If you're able to locate, "West Angeles COGIC Little Saints In Praise", they have a great selection of songs for children (I used to sing their song way back when I was in the children's choir, but it may be out of print b/c it came out in the late 80's early 90's).

Also another great one that my kids loved when I was involved with the children's choir was "I Am A C"

It goes:

I am a C
I am a C-H
I am a C-H-R-I-S-T-I-A-N

And I have C-H-R-I-S-T
in my H-E-A-R-T
and I will L-I-V-E  E-T-E-R-N-A-L-L-Y.



Offline mrs.smith

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Re: Children's Ministry
« Reply #10 on: July 31, 2006, 02:11:35 PM »
HA! I am a "C" is a huge hit at our church too :D  The kids and I play a game with it.  Who can go faster... the piano, or the kids.  It will always bring kids back to life :)  Another big hit is "Scratch a friends back".  It's a just for fun song.  Goes like:
"Pat a friends head, pat a head next to ya' pat a friends head and sing along! (2x)  Sing a..
A la la la la la le lu jah A la la la la le lujah! A la la la la la le lu jah A la la la la le     le lu jah!
* the song goes on and on with different phrases you can come up with but ending in the A la la la part.  ideas are "tug a friends ear", "squeeze a friends knee"  etc.  the idea is for lots of laughs, and for newcomers to become a part of the group.  The last one I do is always "Scratch a friends back..."

"Father Abraham" is another hit.  "Father Abraham had many sons, and many sons had father Abraham!  I am one of them, and so are you, so let's just praise the Lord!  *yell out "right arm!" and then the action is to move your right arm up and down throughout the song as it's sung again.  Then comes, left ar, then right leg, left leg, head up-head down, turn around followed by yelling "sit down!"  With each added movement, the song is sung again untill turn around and sit down.   Don't mean to date myself... but some of these oldies are classics  ;D

Offline Long Fingers

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Re: Children's Ministry
« Reply #11 on: August 02, 2006, 07:52:09 AM »
Quote from: mrs.smith
"Father Abraham" is another hit.  "Father Abraham had many sons, and many sons had father Abraham!  I am one of them, and so are you, so let's just praise the Lord!  *yell out "right arm!" and then the action is to move your right arm up and down throughout the song as it's sung again.  Then comes, left ar, then right leg, left leg, head up-head down, turn around followed by yelling "sit down!"  With each added movement, the song is sung again untill turn around and sit down.   Don't mean to date myself... but some of these oldies are classics  ;D

LOL :D  :D  :D ...I'm probably dating myself too! I loved singing "Father Abraham" in the children's choir, that's a song that all children will love singing because it gets them moving.

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Re: Children's Ministry
« Reply #12 on: August 02, 2006, 05:39:38 PM »
Try Israel Houghton's children's cd you can find it on NTIMEMUSIC.com. He has watered down some of the contemporary songs for kids. My children choir loves Mary, Mary's: Shackles on My feet. They love it so much that I'm tired of it. LOL

Offline vtguy84

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Re: Children's Ministry
« Reply #13 on: August 02, 2006, 07:17:44 PM »
Try Israel Houghton's children's cd you can find it on NTIMEMUSIC.com. He has watered down some of the contemporary songs for kids. My children choir loves Mary, Mary's: Shackles on My feet. They love it so much that I'm tired of it. LOL

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Offline Long Fingers

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Re: Children's Ministry
« Reply #14 on: August 03, 2006, 05:32:19 AM »
Try Israel Houghton's children's cd you can find it on NTIMEMUSIC.com. He has watered down some of the contemporary songs for kids. My children choir loves Mary, Mary's: Shackles on My feet. They love it so much that I'm tired of it. LOL

Welcome to LGM!!  ;D You're right, that album is great. I used it the year it came out for VBS, and it was a lifesaver! The title of those albums were listed in my long list...hehe...:

Shout Praises Kids Gospel
* "Shout Praises Kids Gospel Vol. 1"
* "Shout Praises Kids Gospel Vol. 2"


Offline mrs.smith

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Re: Children's Ministry
« Reply #15 on: August 03, 2006, 10:02:57 AM »
I use the Shout Kids Gospel series too somwtimes... I have the hymn one too- really good for kids.  They also have ready-made praise dances.. but I like to let the kids create their own.  This week we are having VBS.  Can you believe the song everybody likes is "Hallelu, Hallelu,Hallelu, Hallelujah"?  Even the older people end up smiling during the song.  Of course it could be that we compete on who's side of the aisle is louder.... no, couldn't be :D  Next practice, we will be learning "Days of Elijah" just the break and "Praise Him" by Starling Sounds. Got any more oldies I may have forgotten about?   
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