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Author Topic: Preacher said i wasn't any good.  (Read 4114 times)

Offline keshonelmo

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Preacher said i wasn't any good.
« on: October 22, 2024, 03:54:22 PM »
I need some advise musician family. How do you handle a preacher saying this to you. 

Offline kodacolor

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Re: Preacher said i wasn't any good.
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2024, 08:18:36 PM »
Hi there. Your post isn't much to go off of. There is a reality where you aren't there yet and need to grow more before you join the ministry. There's also a reality where you are good, but don't fit stylistically. Sometimes people can be harsh even in that case.

I would say take an honest look at where you are now, and the expectation the ministry has for musicians and work on any problem spots you can find. If you find that you are too biased for or against yourself, record yourself and ask some who will tell you the truth in love what they think.

Being told you're not very good is never pleasant, but if it only hit you hard cause a preacher said it, then it's likely that you have that preacher on a pedestal in your mind. If this is true, you'll need to work on fixing how you think of this guy.

If it hurt because he conveyed his opinion in a mean way, then he needs to work on how he talks to people. Also, I'd say you need to work on (*sigh* cliche incoming) encouraging yourself. In situations where I know I need to grow, but someone was mean about it, I find it helpful to tell myself something along the lines of, "I'm not all bad. I have some things to work on, but I'm making progress. I'm growing." Zech 4:10 is an encouragement to me when I find myself being hard on myself for not being farther along in a new skill.

I hope this helps.

Offline keshonelmo

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Re: Preacher said i wasn't any good.
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2024, 07:13:38 AM »
Thank you for the encouraging words, A little more in detail I've played for him for 5 months, he only wants to play hymns, and his choir is older.  The choir had issues before I took over.

Offline kodacolor

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Re: Preacher said i wasn't any good.
« Reply #3 on: October 25, 2024, 11:19:09 PM »
No problem. This reminds me of when my old church visited another, older, more traditional church for second service. My pastor brought the choir and the band. Our keyboardist couldn't make it so it was just me (the guitarist), the bassist, and the drummer. As we were getting set up, someone in the host church's leadership pulled me aside, with the guitar strapped to my back, and asked when is our musician going to come. Lol! Based on that convo and a few other things said, apparently you're chopped liver at that church when you're instrument isn't the piano!

IMO, you have a couple of options:
  • Conform. Only do hymns. If they start to show interest in branching out, see if you can coordinate with the preacher on making little changes. If you're being paid, this is the recommended course of action.
  • Step Down. If he's truly callous, and you don't care to put up with that treatment, step down. If he believes you're not a fit, he should find a fit. Without hearing my tone, this may come off as spiteful or petty, but it's not. When you step down focus on honoring God and He will direct your path.

Whatever you choose, do it prayerfully, and graciously.
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