The dark side of accompianment tracks (from one who uses them) -
1. CD players can skip, stutter and just plain refuse to cooperate.
2. Sound people have to be reminded - "Turn it up!" "Track 2!" etc.
3. Some singers and musicians get insulted, feel slighted and have an attitude w/background tracks. I understand, they're not perfect, would rather use live music - but when there's no musicians, instruments, setup/practice time to learn, etc...
4. Singers and groups can lose their way - get ahead, behind, around the beat. Director can throw them off (yes, I have been guilty

). Then we have to start over or wait for a place to come back in.
5.Like another poster said, the newest songs don't come out with backing tracks. Usually it's the older, out-of-style songs that have been covered by Daywind, etc.
6. Tracks are not always in the right key, rhythm, style, or song structure for your group. It's either conform to the CD or roll your own.
7.Lastly, a bad track can drag your singers down - and even one with excellent quality can show them up!