Greetings from Newark, NJ and Norfolk, Va.
I took the time out to write this post cause i thought it would bring the true meaning of this website. I was browsing in the other areas of LGM, and i noticed that they actually share ideas and talk about different methods to their instruments. We only talk about that like .01 percent in this section. All we (yes i said WE) ever do is talk about who is the hottest,and who is better than who. Yeah thats cool to talk about, but lets try to put our ideas together and and give to others who are having a hard time or would like to know new techniques. Are yall down for that?
I'll give my first idea (from my collection of thoughts when im practicing)
I call this "Musical Splashes"
I actually got this idea from hear Jeff Davis play his Sabian splashes, and they sounded lovely. Here it goes: (it also depends on what size splashes you have.
bass, snare 10' splash, 8' splash, keep going to you master the coordination, and the play like 4/4 groove to fit where it needs to be. what you will get is like a fast swishy, echo like tone. then what u can doo is switch it up and a a double on the bass and continue and the same pattern
Holla at me to see if you got it!!!