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Author Topic: Gifted or Anointed singing?  (Read 28265 times)

Offline funkyfingaz

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Gifted or Anointed singing?
« on: October 28, 2005, 10:28:51 AM »
Good job 4HisGlory...I feel some teaching needs to be shared on this site on singing. I feel in the church, we have gotten confused. We cant tell the difference from a gifted singer and an anointed singer. Growing up in church in NYC, The people that sung the best, with control, power and of course sounded good were considered anointed. But after the singing came no salvation, cry to god in adoration or repentance from listeners. Just a "Wow she/He can SAAANG"! The only time we say sumone was anointed was if they were doing the praise and worship effectively. What makes a singer anointed? Can anyone become anointed? Aspiring singers on the board ask yourself, am i ministering to people and blessing God thru my singing? Are people standing up in worship and clapping their hands to God after or are they clapping for me at the end?
1 John 2:27 "The ANointing (sum translations say the Holy Spirit) teaches you all things) Everyone who is born again is anointed for the Spirit lives in you. What makes them anointed in an area whether it be singing, drumming, dancing, preaching etc Is being taught in that area by the Spirit. How is the Spirit leading, if he gets a chance to. When Im playing the keyboard in services, concerts, in my own prayer time etc. I feel the Spirit rising in me and he begins to let me hear how he wants the music to go. In obedience most of the time(sumtimes i do my own thing and regret it afta), I play what he lets me hear in the Spirit and that unlocks sumthing so beautiful in the spiritual realm that we cant see. That is when the power you have been endued with(Acts 2:27) is manifested and people are brought into the presence of a Holy God and are changed. Are we led by our flesh when we riff and hit all the notes in the scale when we sing or is the Spirit leading us to sing straight sumtimes. Learning the leading of the Spirit is one that comes with practice, frequent obedience and fasting so ur flesh can lose power. Once this is learned, watch and see the Glory of God as you pour forth the Glory that is hidden within you. May the Lord grant you Grace as you learn to flow under the anointing.
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Gifted or Anointed singing?
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2005, 10:32:44 PM »
I don't know about that one.  You could be at church playing or singing your heart out (TO GOD) and actually forget you're even at church, but the people in the pulpits, you can't control them.  They either come there for The Lord, or they come there for a "good time".  If they come for the latter, they've made a mistake, but it's not your fault.  If they clap, they should be clapping for Jesus, not you.  All the praise is meant for God, not the choir or musicians.  Try not to focus on why the people are clapping.  Just do you, for God, and you've done what you need to do.   :wink:

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Gifted or Anointed singing?
« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2005, 11:54:20 PM »
I would think there is a difference from being annointed and having the annointing. I think you can be annointed to sing but not necessarily have the annointing when you sing. Saul was annointed king but lost his place because of disobedience. I think God can annoint you to do a work but that doesnt mean you will keep that annointing to operate in your gift. The annointing breaks the yoke. The annoint rests upon you in your obedience to God along with prayer and supplications. Some people cant tell if someone is annointed because they only see skill. A person operating under the annointing will always stand out. That does'nt mean that everyone will see it but it can't be denied. I believe God has annointed me to play and the annointing comes on me when I play but its not as strong at times when I have not prayed or made a connection with God like I should. When the annointing is strong upon you people will respond because God is in the house or rather because God is using you. I think we also short change ourselves in the area of the annointing too. Some people will say it doesnt matter if you don't have skill just as long as you have the annointing. I somewhat disagree with this idealogy. The bible promotes letting the Lord use you but it also promotes studying or knowledge. When you know how to operate in your gift you will be more effective. I hate to say it but I will many musicians and singers are not annointed but in self. One preacher brought up the point that there is a saying that musicians and singers don't like to hear the word. How can a musician say he or she is annointed and always walk out out when the word comes forth.
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Offline BroAllan

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Gifted or anointed singing
« Reply #3 on: October 31, 2005, 05:44:39 AM »
I agree with Mysteryman...  To be anointed is one thing, to operate in the anointing is another; to flow in the anointing is one thing;... to play skillfully, relying upon my talents is another...  By my own experience, I have learned this to be true... Yet, in spite of me, the Lord still will touch the hearts and lives of those who He chooses to... What God is looking for is a vessel that He can use for a certain task at a certain time.  Our availability and obedience allows His anointing to flow through us and around us to accomplish what He
desires, whether it be deliverance, healing, or going to battle in heavenly
places.  That is why it's so important for us to stay in God's word, for it's
through His word that we are able to minister, to pray, and to hear what the
Father is saying to us and to His church.  Concerning playing or singing
under the anointing, but lacking the skill or talent.. Yes, I do believe that sometimes God shows Himself mighty, even using some of us who are less talented than others, but still we are to continuously strive to improve, to
be excellent in whatever He has anointed us to do, that His will would be done on Earth, as it is in Heaven...  
                   God bless you,   BroAllan
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