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Author Topic: Young Minister of Music  (Read 2162 times)

Offline justamusican

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Young Minister of Music
« on: January 18, 2006, 02:01:42 PM »
I'm 21 and I've taken the role of being the minister of music at my church. I'm actually not a keyboard player I'm a drummer but as you all know God gives us so many gifts and talents it's just up to us to use them. My only concern is how do I get the worship team to lighten up and actually get into worship. They sing and they sound great I just can't get them to become active in the service. Even in practice, there're just so uptight I guess or they don't like to have fun laugh and joke, it's just serious. I know praise and worship is a serious thing, it enters the presence of God into the service and it also dictates the direction the pastor will go in when praise and worship is over. But God didn't intend for us to just be all serious all the time. How can I liven up my praise team in practice as well as in service? I'm open to anything. Is it me? is it the music we sing? or is it just them?
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Offline sjonathan02

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Re: Young Minister of Music
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2006, 08:44:23 AM »
Quote from: justamusican
I'm 21 and I've taken the role of being the minister of music at my church. I'm actually not a keyboard player I'm a drummer but as you all know God gives us so many gifts and talents it's just up to us to use them. My only concern is how do I get the worship team to lighten up and actually get into worship. They sing and they sound great I just can't get them to become active in the service. Even in practice, there're just so uptight I guess or they don't like to have fun laugh and joke, it's just serious. I know praise and worship is a serious thing, it enters the presence of God into the service and it also dictates the direction the pastor will go in when praise and worship is over. But God didn't intend for us to just be all serious all the time. How can I liven up my praise team in practice as well as in service? I'm open to anything. Is it me? is it the music we sing? or is it just them?

What is their response when you ask them why they're so serious? Share with them that while the notes are important, they aren't the most important. What's most important is being a willing vessel for God to manifest and move in people's hearts and their lives.

Don't just sing well for the sake of sounding good. Sing with a level of excellence and expectation that God will be glorified and made manifest in someone's life.

I pray this helps you.
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Young Minister of Music
« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2006, 09:17:29 AM »
"sjonathan02" is right. Because one of my problems is trying to get one of our choirs in the expereience of the shekianah glory of the Lord. To me the notes are not the most important, but experience the shekinah glory of the Lord. This is one of the errors of black gospel music in that most people within this base of music think that parts are more important than the shekinah glory of the Lord.

Offline Prophetic Remnant

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Re: Young Minister of Music
« Reply #3 on: June 02, 2006, 12:35:18 AM »
Actually a lot of times people don't know personally how to praise and worship God. Eventhough you can't teach praise and worship, you can give them things to think about. Practice this in rehearsal.

Here's a drill:

Have everyone stand up with their eyes closed and their hands lifted. Have them think about the greatest thing God has done for them during the week and have them proclaim it softly and then yell HALLELUJAH. Do this for about 5 minutes.

For example:

God blessed me with a job so i wouldn't be living in the streets. HALLELUJAH!!!...God blessed me with a job so i wouldn't be living in the streets. HALLELUJAH!!!...God blessed me with a job so i wouldn't be living in the streets. HALLELUJAH!!!...

It sounds radical but the Spirit of God can come in during such a simple praise exercise.

I hope this helps.

Offline dadream

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Re: Young Minister of Music
« Reply #4 on: June 02, 2006, 07:50:22 AM »
make them close their eyes and just enter into his courts with praise and gladness and thanksgivng....tell them to "mine" when they sing the words to the song... this is having fun and showing people what you do....Ex: "We Lift our Hands in the Sanctury" By Kurt Carr...when they sing this part tell them to lift there hands because if they dont....i would call them a lier if they didnt...but at the same time there doing that there having fun and giving God praise.... hit me back if this is Good Info

Offline jayjay

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Re: Young Minister of Music
« Reply #5 on: June 12, 2006, 08:01:32 PM »
When you become a minister of music there are a lot of things that are put on your plate.  You can't take on every concern.  some things let the spirit work out in the spirit's time.  You'll never know the churches that have the opposite problem-people who don't take their ministry seriously at all.  Do they see you going forth in praise and worship? I hate to say this  and it's not meant offensively, but sometimes in church it's monkey see-monkey do.  More than anything just try to always bring quality music and present it as honestly as possible and let God do God's thing.  One of the major lessons I've learned in the MOM business is that our job is to plant the seed, but only God can grow it -and that my brother sometimes takes patience.  Peace

Offline t.best2009

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Re: Young Minister of Music
« Reply #6 on: June 22, 2006, 05:53:29 PM »
I'mgoin through some of the same problem but mmagnified to the highest level. I'm 15 and the outh choir at my church just want to play. I know exactly what you're goin through. I'll keep you in my prayers.


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Re: Young Minister of Music
« Reply #7 on: July 10, 2006, 08:44:49 AM »
Here is what I do before you even practice have everyone get together and pray and I mean a break through prayer. Now with me I have people as well that can sing but just dont know how to worship. So I did a little trick I mixed it up I put some worshipers up there that might not be the best singers that right there has created a balance. If that doesnt work you and the musicians play something they dont know which will put them in a position to worship. Be Blessed

Offline vtguy84

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Re: Young Minister of Music
« Reply #8 on: July 10, 2006, 09:17:29 AM »
Well I first want to congratulate you on the position of 'minister of music'.  Do know that you don't have to even be a musician to be the minister of music; at my church one of the praise team leaders in the minister of music.  God has definitely elevated you to a new level and you want to make sure that you are in order to serve God's people in the area of music.

One must be very careful to 'conjure a spirit' to make people enter in.  I have noticed when this is done that people who feel spiritually inadequate will force or even fake an intervention so others don't look at them naturally.  If the Spirit comes in, being a Christian will be fully aware of His presence.  Things that I have done is had somebody interpret the words of the song (via scripture) and then let them close their eyes and sing the song unto the Lord.  Jayjay makes a good point in saying that you are responsible for planting the seed and just allowing God to make the increase.  My thing is.....sweating and tearing up and screaming out is not equivalent to a Spiritual intervention.....so if you are looking for outward expression, you may not get it.  However, if singing is causing people to change their lives and not do things that they shouldn't be doing anymore, congratulatioins.....the music ministry has done its job :)
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